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Streamlining changes on the Internet, surfing the Net for you [Aug, 2002]

Web-based information-agent launched [Nov, 2001]

Web-basert informasjons-agent lansert [Oct, 2001]

Streamlining changes on the Internet, surfing the Net for you


Oslo, Norway August 2002 - WatchThatPage, a popular tool on the Internet for extracting changes in web pages, is boosted with powerful new features. The web service enables users to collect all new information from several Internet pages in an efficient way. Instead of visiting web pages to look for new information, WatchThatPage will check the pages the individual users have registered, and find the new information for the users. This information will be compiled and presented for the user in one or more emails and/or personal web pages.

WatchThatPage is extended with two new major features; keyword matching and multi-channel capacity. With keyword matching you are able to receive only changes that match some criteria set by you. The concept of channels enables the user to divide the web pages she is watching into groups, where each group will be collected into a separate email/personal web page. This is very handy in order to sort the new information on importance or content type. Using channels enables you to have keyword matching on some web pages, while extracting all changes from others.

It works like a personal newsletter where the user chooses the sources of information. In this way the user will be given new information when it is available, and the user will also save time by reading the information from many sources in one go. You can make one or many newsletters by dividing the web pages into channels, customizing the stream of new information to fit your needs.

WatchThatPage is the only service of its kind that can extract new information from multiple web pages, and present the collected changes to the user in an email friendly, easy readable way.

"With the new features, we take Internet minding to the next level", says Kjell Saeten, CEO of ATS Consulting, the creator of WatchThatPage. "WatchThatPage is designed with the end user in mind, where our focus is to present changes on the Internet to the user in the most efficient way. Collecting the changes from the users' favorite pages, and presenting them in a form where he or she can efficiently scan all the changes from all the pages, is a major time saver for any user. With the new features, the user is able to look for specific information, and to have even better ways to organize the changes to meet his or her needs."

WatchThatPage has been in operation for 10 months, and have received very good feedback from the users.

ATS Consulting was established in 1998 and is based in Oslo, Norway.

For more information:
Olav Hodnebo
Product Manager WatchThatPage
Email: info@www.watchthatpage.com
Telephone: (+47) 67 56 56 15



Web-based information-agent launched


Oslo, Norway November 2001 - ATS Consulting has launched a new Internet service, WatchThatPage. The service makes it easy for users to collect all new information from several Internet pages in an efficient way. Instead of visiting web pages to look for new information, WatchThatPage will check the pages the individual users have registered, and find the new information for the users. This information will be compiled and presented for the user in an email and/or on a personal web-page.

It works like a personal newsletter where the user chooses the sources of information. In this way the user will be given new information when it is available, and the user will also save time by reading the information in one go.

WatchThatPage is the only service of its kind that can extract new information from multiple web pages, and present the collected changes to the user in an email friendly, easy readable way.

The WatchThatPage service is free of charge, and the users can register an unlimited number of web pages to watch. The users can choose how often they want to be updated and what the information should contain. The service is web-based, which means the users do not have to download and install executables, and all available browsers can be used.

"To manage all the information available on the Internet in an efficient way will be an increasing problem for the end-users. Our service will help to streamline this process," says CEO Kjell Saeten."WatchThatPage can be used to monitor almost any type of Internet sites. Everything from internal company pages and partners pages, to competitors pages, national and international news sites, and your own favorite sites", he continues.

WatchThatPage will be a big help for the users in many situations: For pages that get updated infrequently, the user can monitor them instead of checking the pages every day. If the user tracks many pages that release new information on a regular basis, WatchThatPage will give the user an overview over all the new information in a compact form.

"Our goal is to deliver the best solution for all our users. The service is free, and designed for the end-users. We created the service based on our own need for such a service, and we have received very good feedbacks from our test users", says Olav Hodnebo, product manager for WatchThatPage.

ATS Consulting has developed the technology in-house, based on 'open source' components and open standards, which makes the platform flexible and accessible for all users, independent of browsers, operating systems, etc.

ATS Consulting was established in 1998 and is based in Oslo, Norway.

For more information:
Olav Hodnebo
Product Manager WatchThatPage
Email: info@www.watchthatpage.com
Telephone: (+47) 67 56 56 15



Web-basert informasjons-agent lansert

Sandvika, Oktober 2001

ATS Consulting AS har lansert en ny tjeneste på internett, WatchThatPage. Tjenesten gjør det mulig for brukere å samle all ny informasjon fra flere internettsider på en meget effektiv måte. I stedet for å besøke nettsidene for å lete etter ny informasjon, sjekker WatchThatPage de sidene den enkelte bruker har registrert og trekker ut ny informasjon. Denne informasjonen blir så presentert for brukeren i en email og/eller på en personlig nettside.

Det blir som en personlig nyhetsbulletin hvor brukeren selv velger kildene. På denne måten blir ny informasjon presentert for brukeren når den blir tilgjengelig, og brukeren vil også spare mye tid på å lese ny informasjon samlet.

WatchThatPage tjenesten er gratis, og brukerene kan registrere et ubegrenset antall web sider som skal overvåkes. Brukere kan selv velge hvor ofte de vil bli oppdatert og hva oppdateringen skal inneholde. Siden tjenesten er web-basert trenger brukerene ikke å laste ned og installere programmer, og samtlige nettlesere kan benyttes.

"Å håndtere informasjonsmengden som er tilgjengelig på nettet på en fornuftig måte, vil være et økende problem. Vår tjeneste er en måte å effektivisere informasjons-flyten på", sier daglig leder i ATS Consulting, Kjell Sæten. "WatchThatPage kan brukes til å overvåke nesten enhver type side på internettet; alt i fra interne bedrifts sider og samarbeidspartnere til konkurrentenes sider, nasjonale og internasjonale nyheter og selvsagt dine favorittsteder på nettet", fortsetter han.

WatchThatPage vil være til stor hjelp for brukeren i mange situasjoner: Om det er sider som forandrer seg sjelden, kan du overvåke dem istedet for å sjekke siden selv hver dag. Hvis det er mange sider som legger til ny informasjon hver dag, kan du få en oversikt over denne informasjonen på ett sted istedet for å klikke deg inn på den enkelte side. "Vårt mål er å levere den beste løsningen for flest mulig brukere. Tjenesten vår er gratis, og er tilpasset sluttbrukeren. Den er skapt utifra våre egne behov om en slik tjeneste, og vi har fått mange gode tilbakemeldinger på at tjenesten er verdsatt", sier Olav Hødnebø, produktansvarlig for WatchThatPage.

ATS Consulting har utviklet teknologien selv, basert på 'åpen kilde' komponenter og åpne standarder, noe som gjør plattformen fleksibel og tilgjenngelig for alle brukere, uavhengig av nettlesere, operativsystem, etc.

ATS Consulting ble etablert i 1998 og har sitt kontor i Sandvika.

For mer informasjon:
Olav Hødnebø
Produktansvarlig WatchThatPage
Email: info@www.watchthatpage.com
Telefon: (+47) 67 56 56 15 / (+47) 91 85 90 98
